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Investigar y escribir


On last Sunday of every month (2-3 PM London time), TUGS Scientific Sundays will give researchers from around the world a digital platform to present and discuss their research over Zoom.


Every Scientific Sunday will comprise of an hour, in which up to five researchers will have the opportunity to present their research. (8 minute presentation + 2 minute discussion). Each Scientific Sunday will have two-three panellists who will moderate the meeting and choose the best abstract for a TUGS Prize.


All submitting authors should be TUGS members, if not please register with the button below.



Regular abstracts


Abstracts should not have more than 250 words and include the following subsections:


1) Background

2) Methods

3) Results

4) Conclusion


Abstracts should also include: 


1) Title of the abstract

2) Presenting author with the academic credentials and current affiliation

3) Other authors names with academic credentials and affiliations

4) Type of study (Case report; systematic reviews, randomised controlled trials, etc)



For the submission process please click on the "Submit your abstract" button and upload two separate files:


1) A blinded abstract (without author names and affiliations). In case you have doubts please consult the sample abstract attached below.

2) A complete abstract (with all the author details). In case you have doubts please consult the sample abstract attached below.



Video abstracts


From November 2021; it will be possible to submit a video abstract (e.g. a video of a surgical technique; management of complications and more)


Each video should be accompanied by short abstract (max 250 words) illustrating the background and learning points of the video. The abstract should be according to above-mentioned guidelines.



Important note: In case a presentation includes any video there are additional requirements:

1) Minimum quality of the video 760pp

2) Maximum length of the video 5 minutes.

3) Guarantee stable Internet connection during the session. Otherwise the committee will have the right to interrupt the presenter.

4) Please provide consent if the video can be added to the TUGS Video Youtube channel. This will be a backlog of videos for educational purposes



All abstracts should be submitted by the 22nd of March and the presenter should be available by the 27th of March 2022.


For the abstract selection process and moderation of the TUGS Scientific Sundays we are going to form a TUGS Scientific Committee.


We are currently looking for colleagues to sit on this committee. These would be academically active individuals with at least one postgraduate qualification and 25 peer-reviewed publications, who are willing to evaluate the submitted abstracts on a predefined set of criteria, and moderate two (or more) Scientific Sunday sessions per year.


In case you are interested please fill the form in the button below:



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